Minggu, 01 Juni 2008

Calle de Alcalá 45, Madrid

Calle de Alcalá 45, Madrid

I found this building at 45 Calle de Alcalá on a short visit to Madrid.

Calle de Alcalá 45, MadridOverall, the building is bit too block-like for me but it does have these wonderful reliefs on the facade.

The one shown on the left is at the top of the main part of the building and has a mirror image on the other side.

The one shown below on the next level down. It is much more sculptural and protrays a group of three figures. It too has a partner which while similar in execution, protrays a different group of figures.

It seems that various banks and financial organisations have used this building and you can see why they would be lured to this formidible structure.

Calle de Alcalá 45, Madrid

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