Selasa, 23 September 2008

Bristol Pension, Asmara

Bristol Pension, AsmaraAnother Art Deco building in Asmara, the Bristol Pension. I don't know what the accommodation is like there but it is an art deco building so it must be worth a look on that basis alone.

The building is symetrical around a central stairwell. There are two small balconies on the second storey.

At the base of the building roughly cut dark stone has been used to give the building a level base.

According to Asmara - Africa's Secret Modernist City by Edward Denison, Guang Yu Ren and Naigzy Gebremedhin, the building was built during the 1940s, originally as an apartment block, and was named the Bristol Pension in the early 1960s.

They also note that the interior floors are topped with finely ground seashells 'providing an incredibly smooth finish'.

Asmara: Africa's Secret Modernist City~ Edward Denison, Guang Yu Ren & Naigzy Gebremedhim

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